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Podcasts Changed My Life


Updated: Mar 3, 2019

AND THEY WILL CHANGE YOURS TOO... Okay listen, I used to think podcasts were just something my mom would listen to as she cleaned the house. She would always tell me I should listen to one and I wasn't opposed, but I always found myself choosing to listen to my favorite Spotify playlists instead.

Then one day I got kinda bored of listening to my usual rotation of music and decided to listen to a podcast on my way back home from college... and I have been hooked ever since.

This post is dedicated to showcasing my favorite podcasts and giving some suggestions if you have no idea where to start.

The Podcast Tab is at the bottom of "your library" section. You can follow your favorite podcasts and keep them all in one place.

Here are a few of mine:

This was the first podcast I ever listened to and I got addicted real quick- I'm talking every spare time I had walking to class or driving you could catch me listening to it . Married couple, Lauryn Evarts and Michael Bosstick are the hosts of the show and I think they are absolutely hilarious. Each week they interview a new guest who usually has had great success in their career path and has some wisdom to share with their listeners. From health and fitness to motivational and career tips, I walk away learning something new from each podcast.

This is a pretty new podcast but I have been enjoying it so far. This is also a couples podcast by Sarah and Kurt Day. Their podcast is centered around healthy eating and healthy living. It is a great one to listen to if you need some motivation to put down the bag of chips if you know what I'm saying. I also find their podcast lighthearted and refreshing as opposed to the self-help/motivation podcasts that sometimes make you feel you are doing everything wrong.

Okay I know this is different from my previous two suggestions bu let me tell you why I like it so much. As an aspiring PR specialist, it is vital to keep up with the news and overall just have a strong knowledge of what is happening locally, nationally and globally. I found it hard to keep a routine of reading the news everyday so I started to slack off in that department. However, I find that listening to podcasts really works for me in getting my daily news. I can listen to it and multitask while I get ready in the morning. So by the time I head out the door for the day I already have that checked off the box.

The Tim Ferris Show is very well-acclaimed podcast. Tim Ferris brings in career moguls and world-class performers in an attempt to deconstruct the way the live their life and how they achieved such success. This podcast is a good one to start off your morning to be in a mindset to accomplish the most out of your day. I always learn a ton of information from each guest he has on the show.

Honorable Mentions:

My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark-- all things murder, crime, and spookiness.

The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey- Christian women podcast that will make you feel like you are at a table having a conversation with friends.



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