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Creating the 5 Bridges Message Strategy for Effective Action


Updated: Mar 21, 2022

Creating a World of Empathy

The 5 Bridges best aim is to create empathy for Fortune 500 companies with the mental health and wellness of their employees. The 5 Bridges was founded under a need for a holistic health and wellness strategies after the founder had his own personal unprecedented life struggles which left him searching for stability and resources to aid in his mental health journey. Jacob Moore started the company after becoming a health wellness advocate as well as a suicide prevention speaker.

It began with empathy.

Empathy and compassion on himself as well as a hurting world who felt the same way he did.

Where do the strategies come in?

In our campaign for 5 Bridges, we are implementing vocal commiseration strategies. The book defines this as, "empathy and understanding about the misfortune suffered by its publics. These include concern condolence, reset and apology" (Smith, 104). After defining our PR goals and objectives, we are now defining and deciding on strategies to carry out our goals and objectives.

Backtracking: How to not get the goals, objectives and strategies confused

PR Goals, Objectives, Strategies & Tactics. (June 5, 2014)

Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Tactics can often run together and it can be hard to determine which idea goes under what category. Before moving into the specific strategies outlined in the textbook, this informative video gives the break down of what to look for in each category.

Strategies are compared to what is under the ice cube, the part the agency sees but not the public. The photo below shows a great example.

(PR Goals, Objectives, Strategies & Tactics. (June 5, 2014).

How to Utilize Specific Strategies: The Family of Vocal Commiseration Strategies

  1. Concern

Concern stems from a care and interest in the public. As part of our understanding of concern, we chose three key publics and used personas to dive into their demographics, concerns, pain points and goals.

Hers is a chart demonstrating the work of a persona and how it can build concern for what could help or hurt their life, what challenges they might be facing, where their mental health could be at. 5 Bridges can specifically utilize the concern strategy when talking about the holistic wellness of a company and its employees. Encouraging business owners to develop empathy for the employees could push them towards integrating the 5 Bridges program into their business.

(Smith, 98).

There are numerous other PR strategies which can be used throughout the campaign beyond concern which are categorized under pre-emptive strategy, offensive, defensive, diversionary, vocal commiseration and rectifying behavior strategies. These are all responses to various situation which can occur leading up to a PR crisis. Our goal is to create straggles for each of these responses in the case of an event occurring so we can be extra prepared.


PR Goals, Objectives, Strategies & Tactics. (June 5, 2014). Home [YouTube channel]. Retrieved March 6, 2022, from

Smith, R. D. (2017). Strategic planning for public relations. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.

The 5 best guides for creating a customer persona: Usertesting blog. UserTesting. (n.d.). Retrieved

March 21, 2022, from


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