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Just Do It-Implementing 5 Bridges Tactics into Action


Updated: Apr 19, 2022

After hours of researching, planning and brainstorming, it is time to actually do it. As Nike says, "just do it," a plan is all talk until implementation is made. The implementation is where the rubber meets the road and all of the hard work comes into play.

Once the team has a full plan of ideas to present the message, then comes the specifics of implementation and "turning your inventory of tactics into a logical and cohesive program."

Plan your Work, Work your Plan

The implementation is where you execute your strategies through chosen tactics. In this phase it is important to implement all of the critique from the client as well as any holes of information to fill in and make sure you are moving forward with no regrets. In evaluating the effectiveness of the plan it is also important to stay flexible with the tactics so there is room to seize new opportunities or change something to better suit the changing social and economical environment around you.

How Do I Implement?

There are a few specific things needed to prepare during the implementation process. Budget- "outlining resources needed for the program. Include in this figure the cost of personnel time, money and equipment, as well as any income to be generated" (Smith, 212). Evaluation plan "with information on the methods to be used to measure the program’s effectiveness" (Smith, 212). Consultant background (optional) -"should indicate the resources the consultant or agency can office. This element of the plan is especially useful in competitive situations in which more than one consultant or agency prepares program recommendations" (Smith, 212).

(Public Relations Strategies & Tactics. Youtube,

This video goes into more detail on the importance of still going back to your objectives and strategies routinely to make sure those do not get lost in the implementation process.

Often times, teams can get so excited about the creative work of implementing the PR campaign but lose sight of who their audience is and if the tactics truly make sense, align with their budget and will prove the best results. If not, the campaign could go over budget, start something it can not finish or not land well with the desired target audience. All of these questions and concerns can be avoided if the implementation continues to draw from the original research.

Our strategy for the 5 Bridges, there are several factors to consider. First, we have to pick fewer tactics which will be in alignment with our goals and target audience. We had a large brainstorm of ideas but ended up picking a few which we thought wold give the greatest success in increasing awareness of 5 Bridges. The last step is creating the budget which we will work on this week. The budget will include everything needed to carry out each tactic including app developers, instructors for our classes as well as materials needed for the mad happy journal. Once we develop the budget it will help our team collaborate with 5 Bridges to make all of our ideas come together.


Public Relations Strategies & Tactics. Youtube,

Smith, R. D. (2017). Strategic planning for public relations. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.

Work it out: Implementation in public relations. Aubia Communications. (2012, October 23). Retrieved March 30, 2022, from


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