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I’m writing this at 1 a.m on Christmas 2020…well technically one hour past... the Christmas of a year I will never forget.

This year I have seen the world in full depravity. There was confusion, there was chaos, there was anger, there was sadness, there was disappointment... far more than I had ever seen before or really thought possible.

Yet in a year where everything around me didn’t make sense, this year was the most joyful year of my entire life.

God taught me something beautiful this year. The more I got a glimpse of the world’s depravity, the more I valued Jesus and his sacrifice for me. I can’t help but get emotional thinking about the precious gift of my salvation- that in a world of sin and brokenness, I have a treasure that makes everything else the world has to offer seem like filthy rags. My greatest possessions on earth… dust. My best, most favorite days on earth are the closest thing to hell I will ever experience.

That seems heavy, but wow what JOY that brings. The blessings of gifts and family time are so special to me, but for the rest of my days, my salvation will always be my greatest gift.

Now for why I wanted to write this post...

Before Jesus was born, he fulfilled what God had spoken to the prophet, and was called “Immanuel” or God with us.

His life started with the gentle cry of a baby- meak and mild…to one day grow into a man and face the depravity of the world himself. Jesus faced persecution and hatred by the ones he came to save. He was beaten, mocked, scorned, shamed. What we sometimes fail to fully understand, is this sacrifice was personal.

Christ took on the wrath of my sin and he wept. On Calvary, Christ looked at me and decided I was worth dying for. The moment later, the earth shook in silence as Christ let out His final breath, “It is finished.”

It is finished! There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, for the law of the spirit of life has set us free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin in death! And this is a free gift!! This grace and salvation is free, we just have to accept it.

For those who have made this decision, we get to live knowing Jesus gave us a promise!! The same promise 2020 years ago is the same promise we can cling to today. Jesus is Immanuel. Jesus is God with us.

So What Does This Mean for Us Today??

Immanuel is a picture of a God who came to be with us and to dwell in us. He came into a fallen world to give his children a way to the Father. He isn’t afraid of our mess, our sin and our brokenness. He is a God who so desperately loves his children. He came to earth to suffer with us in pursuit of us. He is constantly pursuing us TODAY.

It's true, God promises us a broken world. This broken world will lead us to sin and disappointment, anxiety and hurt. BUT He says, I will never leave you or forsake you. He promises us that one day it will end, but until then, HE will be with us.

Immanuel is also a way we can live our lives. God keeps his promises. He promises to work all things for our good and His glory. He promises us he will complete his work. He promises us he will strengthen us, he will sustain us, he will deliver us from temptation and he will give us rest. We can rest on his promises knowing even on our worst days, we are not helpless. We have God on our side fighting our battles for us.

Christ will be with us always until he comes again...and man what a day that will be. Jesus coming back for his bride. The day I can meet my best friend face to face and worship Him forever. Every creed, tribe and tongue will declare in unity that Jesus is Lord... wow :)

I am writing this mainly for myself to look back on and take my own advice haha. I am worth heaven. I am worth enough for Jesus to die for me and stick by my side no matter how often I choose other things before him. I have a hope that is unshakeable and THAT is what I am thankful for this Christmas :)


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

Merry Christmas!!!!!!



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